Video - A Cousin to Photos
Weekly 2013 • Weekly 2012 • Weekly 2011 • Weekly 2010 • Weekly 2009 • Scuba Diving • Tank • Pedestal Jousting • Fear Factor Live • Misc.
The things you can do with shadow puppets - simply amazing
Videos of the Week - 2013
- McNuggets crazy - this lady is desperate to get some McNuggets
- Electric guitar - how to make and test one yourself
- Chick drumming - with nunchucks
- Expensive garage - full of toys, with an elevator
- Aerobatic friends - one guy is afraid of flying, the other flies acrobatics
- Volleyball headshot - dig one and then get plowed by the next
- Spa foul - sure clears everyone out
- Dog tease - with food from the fridge
- Old lady - doing a double back flip
- Seal release - spoof news clip for a Shark Week promo
- Baseball commentary - British Edition
- Bear rescue - cubs saved without getting attacked by momma bear
- Scared kitten - while playing with bearded dragons
- Rubik's cubes - turned into a mosaic image
- Secretary cabinet - amazing craftsmanship with tons of hidden doors and drawers
- McDonald's Fight - don't come over the counter at this worker
- Sad cat - diaries
- Killer whale - surfing a boat wake
- Car otter - doesn't want to give up the plush interior
- Four rotors - plus twin turbos makes for a fast car
- Paper's future - is looking crappy
- Tree golf - I want to try this Long Video
- Commando movie - the musical edition
- Forklift accident - what is getting demolished
- Harlem Shake - frontload washer edition
- Jurassic prank - I'd love to have one of these
- Fat animals - why they don't exist in the wild
- Skydiving accidents - a few ways things can go wrong
- Prank gift - she shouldn't have opened
- Slippery driving - won't hurt long
- Dumb cop - tried to take advantage of her
- Angler fish - dangles its own bait
- Who's car - is better now?
- Locomotive dropped - during delivery
- Land snail - true facts you need to know
Videos of the Week - 2012
- Low jet - skimming traffic
- Moscow plane - crashing into the highway
- Ice pool - cannonball jump
- Bar apples - they are like magic
- Turning left - like a boss
- Dolphin attack - at SeaWorld Orlando
- Truck stops - for no flood
- Wheelchair scuba - some people just can't be stopped
- US Marine - stops a robbery
- Runaway car - barely chased down in time
- Passing fail - Make sure someone else isn't passing before you try it
- Baby moose - playing in the sprinkler Long Video
- TV Repair - Candid Camera style
- Johnny Carson - and Dom Deluise
- Truck vs bridge - nobody wins, especially not the pedestrians
- Game show - best answers ever given
- Flag flying - underwater in Key Largo
- Car crashes - quite a few different clips
- Attacking boat - almost eats the guy who fell out
- Street racer - owning three cops
- Squirrel challenges - an obstacle course
- Musical wooings - through the ages
- Scottish arguement - on a TV show
- Monster bicycle - not practicle, yet extremely cool
- Great white - harasses two divers
- Landing fish - just got a little hardere
- Pandas playing - playing on a playground slide
- Reneck fails - a compilation
- Police chase - the cop helps him escape
- Tightrope fail - brings the house down
- Orville helicopter - made from a man's stuffed pet cat
- Sea slug - is a weird creature that moves in weird ways
- Parenting fail - and they don't handle the situation well either
- Nut shot - a great compilation
- MMA ninja - I guess he didn't see that coming
- Military failures - three classics
- Marching band - pays tribute to the military
- Video games - controlled by urine
- Animal funnies - 15 short clips
- Military launches - not going so smoothly
- Fails compilation - a bunch of people doing things wrong
- Car wash - the super fast method
- Cami Secret - a parody of the infomercial
- Blue fish - as I swim through their school in Belize
- Submarine boat - how to kill the resale value of your boat
- Moray eel - swimming away in Belize
- Dolphin dive - in Roatan, Honduras
- Cube Stormer - robotic solution to a Rubik's Cube
- Parallel parking - now that's a tight squeeze
- Turkey call - how not to do it on national television
- Boat collision - whyd id they have to fight over the same piece of water?
- iPhone fight - spouses using Siri to relay their fight
Videos of the Week - 2011
- Ant crusher - among other things
- Halloween lights - rockin the neighborhood
- Drunk drivers - too bad the cops can't catch them when people call
- Rolling downhill - not the best move ever
- Thieving octopus - why doesn't stuff like this ever happen to me?! This would rock!
- Tire change - with style Long Video
- Wheelbarrow races - done right
- Music video - in the style of an 80s video game
- Mother Nature - likes to remind us who's in charge
- Motocross Mom - taking out her mom
- Family Feud - things you pass around
- Surfing bulldog - a dog's just gotta have fun
- Roof jumping - you are supposed to catch the tree
- Interstate skiing - a new Olympic sport?
- Race fires - very exciting for the driver and to watch
- Lightning strikes - the same man twice
- Sidecar racing - who decides they want to be the guy hanging on?
- Rally cars - they quite often stray from the path
- Cow luggage - there's a cow in the trunk
- Hand Brake - just leave it on
- Kite boarding - how not to do it
- African animals - getting drunk from ripe Marula fruit
- Treadmill biking - not for stunts
- Redneck paintball - duck hunting
- Parachute landing - a bit off target
- Nurse shark - chasing out of the wreck
- Drawing Rome - with just one short fly over to memorize it
- Lioness hunting - but can't get through the glass
- Jewfish and bait - a close knit community
- Lip balm - trick on young women
- Sea turtle - on the USCGC Duane
- Navy ship - turns on a dime
- Baby rhino - defending his mom
- Dolphins hunting - by smacking their tails
- Feeding jewfish - just make sure you let go of the bait
- Skateboardin day - interrupted by an over-zealous cop
- Human jumbotron - what a show
- Skiing backflip - or not
- Biggest fails - of 2010
- Mrs. Hughes - can make you laugh for 8 minutes
- Japan's tsunami - oh the power of water
- Wooden spoons - how about we beat each other about the head with them
- Semi chase - amazing how long a semi can drag half the trailer around
- Honey badger - is one badass little critter
- Scuba cat - someone likes their pets a bit too much
- Budweiser 9-11 - commercial they ran during the Superbowl
- Face plant - cleavage style
- Fountain diving - hope she doesn't drive while she texts
- Breakfast doggystyle - had to be a lot of fun to film
- Blackberry returned - because it just doesn't work
- Gun cleaning - when your wife just won't listen
- Cat crash - wall 1, cat 0
Videos of the Week - 2010
- Squirrel feeder - might as well make them work for it
- Christmas wrapping - when you are giving a cat
- Forklift accident - like a house of cards
- Rap album - thoroughly enjoyed by a gay man
- Trick play - teaching kids to win at all costs
- Job search - why it is hard to get a job these days
- Getting grounded - with style
- Unbelievable disguise - on an airplane
- Soccer goalies - fast hands, slow mind
- Baby Rhino - defender of his mom
- Tubing - on shore edition
- Rubbing - is racing
- Shopping Carts - for holding passed out dates
- Health Care - I knew somebody had to support it
- Kittens - most people find them cute
- Watermelons - made for launching
- Fried chicken - worth singing about
- Marriage - the proper Christian way
- Vandenberg - a quick trip through one of the upper compartments
- Big snake - check out this monster
- Projects - they are raping everyone up in here
- Standoff - me, a jewfish and a lot of mouth
- Frog Rape - by a chimp
- Drop Anchor - wait, not yet
- Hopper Barge - a quick trip through the wreck then a visit with the Jewfish
- Pit Stop - you actually have to stop for them to change your tires
- Boogie Board - how not to do it
- Fin Barge - View under the bow
- BP - reacts to a coffee spill
- Carrier landing - from the pilot's view
- Turtle power - a sea turtle dives under as we boat past him
- High dive - in a kayak
- Wedding DJ - Worst Ever
- Paragliding launch - the Instant Launch Edition
- Shooting range - with a hispanic flare
- Ambulances - more harm than good
- Branded - how the horse fights back
- Cart racing - the most popular spot on the track
- Cat fight - you can only put up with so much crap
- Dog attack - it's pretty bad when you can't even stand yourself
- Dorritos bark collar - revenge is oh so sweet (or salty in this case)
- Front fell off - are you sure, maybe the front fell off
- Getting off the boat - but not onto the dock
- Gun control - are we sure it is a good thing
- India's traffic - I think I'll keep my commute thank you
- Monkey pee - now that's irresistible
- Auto club - Pakistan style
- Police chase - you can spin this guy, but can you stop him
Videos of the Week - 2009
- Dear Penis - musical parody that had me in stitches
- Brotherly Love - this is why all boys should have a brother
- World of Warcraft - and how messed up kids who get addicted become
- When pigs fly - and for good reason
- Crazy pilots - who skim the earth
- Don't pee - in the woods or you might attract attention
- Goldfish Funeral - the neighbor should have stayed out of it
- Biker chick - should stay away from the offroad toys
- Rifle practice - for the terrorists
- Dog & Deer - playing in the back yard
- Clown Dancing - headbanging while wearing a mask
- BMX Jump - landing not so good
- Ping Pong - with nunchucks by Bruce Lee
- Copy machines - don't make good ladders
- Cellphone karma - it's real
- New Toy - This coin pusher game is our latest game room addition
- Novacaine - it's for the patients
- Dreaming Dog - he was really getting into it
- Dogs having fun - several clips of dogs having fun
- Pranks - some of the best fun around
- Fat kids - don't mess with their food
- Female drivers - aren't always the best drivers
- Rough job - testing Ferraris until destruction
- Pit stop - a bit toastier than normal
- Ball girl - can catch better than the pros
- Golf buddy - shouldn't be so annoying
- Christmas - don't bitch so much when you marry an Italian
- Cake arrival - left this mom in tatters
- Gun safety - at its finest
- Office Hurdles - The next Olympic sport
- Subway Piano Stairs - a little fun can get people to take the stairs
- Pommel Horse - wins this round
- Frog - gone wild
- Quit Drinking - definitely time to work on that New Year's resolution
- SR71 model plane - very cool jet powered model plane
- Read the label - to save yourself some embarrassment
- Ripsaw - one cool tank prototype
- Colonoscopy - information by a Scottish comedian
- Kathy playing pinball - or at least attempting to do so
- Shadow puppets - commercial for a wildlife refuge
- Jay Leno - quizzes a smart girl
- Snug WOW - Sham WOW meets Snuggie
- Border crossings - how the guards fight boredom
- Sucker - guys are so predictable
- Tabasco - reigning fire down on us
- Train tracks - can be useful
- Poster child - for birth control (and spankings)
- Skateboarder - vs fire hydrant
- Airplane - that loses a wing during a stunt
Scuba Diving Videos
- Reef Tour - Out by the fin barge
- Lionfish - so big it didn't fit in my bucket
- Shovelnose lobster - doesn't want to go home with Wayne
- Spear struggles - me fighting a jewfish and multiple sharks for the grouper I shot
- Shark dive - No cages - getting passed by one shark and then going head to head with another
- Feeding frenzy - Once the chum bucket is opened, the feeding frenzy ensues
- Sharks patrolling - around the chum bucket on our shark dive
- Wheelchair Scuba - where there's a will, there's a way
- Nurse shark - being chased by me
- Jewfish bullies - the bait fish won't get anywhere near them
- Flag flying - underwater in Key Largo
- Sea slug - is a weird creature that moves in weird ways
- Blue fish - as I swim through their school in Belize
- Moray eel - swimming away in Belize
- Dolphin dive - in Roatan, Honduras
- Sea turtle - on the USCGC Duane
- Vandenberg - a quick trip through one of the upper compartments
- Standoff - me, a jewfish and a lot of mouth
- Hopper Barge - a quick trip through the wreck then a visit with the Jewfish
- Fin Barge - View under the bow
- Turtle power - a sea turtle dives under as we boat past him
- Jewfish - aren't happy with our presence
- Bait pockets - surround us as we swim along the wreck
- Bayronto bait - clear visibility and lots of sea life
- Nurse shark - as I chase it around the Bayronto
- Flounder - sure are hard to see
- Snail - they don't move fast, but they do get there
- Trigger fish - I couldn't keep up
- Crabs - They have fear
- Grouper - Don't like to be followed
- Hogfish - Generally don't swim fast, but can
- Jewfish - big chickens
- Discovery Cove - Manta Ray reef area
- Pipeline - protective rocks make good fish homes
- Reef fish - usually have bright colors
- Starfish - slow and steady wins the race
- Landing craft - wreck tour
Tank - Our English Mastiff
- Tank at 8 weeks - short clip right after we brought him home
- Uncoordinated - apparently he was to the end
- Dog park - getting owned by a pug
My 25th Birthday Party Pedestal Jousting
- Dan and Jason - didn't need that helmet anyway
- Mike and Jason - he was picking on little ole me
Fear Factor Live Videos
- Nash Completing the Eating Challenge at Fear Factor Live
- Carey Completing the Creepy Crawly Challenge at Fear Factor Live
- Introducing the Physical Competitors at Fear Factor Live
- The Physical Competitors Hang in Round 1 at Fear Factor Live
- The Finals for the Physical Competitors at Fear Factor Live
Other Miscellaneous Videos
- Horseback Swimming by the Skyway Bridge
- Carey showing off her flyboarding skills
- Jason enjoying some Fly Boarding time
- Tubing Hawaii - in the frigid irrigation channels
- Kalalau Trail - the roughest patch on our hike
- Braggin Rites' - Winning catch
- Campus Golf - with the Sportapalooza gang
- Wild Cherri - her last bout as a Bradentucky Bomber
- Rock Climbing
- Dr. Chris Brugger's Therapy Laser
- Pride Park Packers
*Most of this content was collected from the depths of the internet and is not my intellectual property.