Video - A Cousin to Photos
Weekly 2013 • Weekly 2012 • Weekly 2011 • Weekly 2010 • Weekly 2009 • Scuba Diving • Tank • Pedestal Jousting • Fear Factor Live • Misc.
McDonalds employee working nightshift was given $50 bill. Checked if it was legit according to policy. Two ghetto girls didn't like that and yelled at him, called him a pussy and spit on him and punched him in the face. They then leaped the counter both of them and continued coming after him. He retreated to the back of store and they followed him. He grabbed a pipe and gave them one heck of a whooping in self defense to stop the attack.
Videos of the Week - 2013
- McNuggets crazy - this lady is desperate to get some McNuggets
- Electric guitar - how to make and test one yourself
- Chick drumming - with nunchucks
- Expensive garage - full of toys, with an elevator
- Aerobatic friends - one guy is afraid of flying, the other flies acrobatics
- Volleyball headshot - dig one and then get plowed by the next
- Spa foul - sure clears everyone out
- Dog tease - with food from the fridge
- Old lady - doing a double back flip
- Seal release - spoof news clip for a Shark Week promo
- Baseball commentary - British Edition
- Bear rescue - cubs saved without getting attacked by momma bear
- Scared kitten - while playing with bearded dragons
- Rubik's cubes - turned into a mosaic image
- Secretary cabinet - amazing craftsmanship with tons of hidden doors and drawers
- McDonald's Fight - don't come over the counter at this worker
- Sad cat - diaries
- Killer whale - surfing a boat wake
- Car otter - doesn't want to give up the plush interior
- Four rotors - plus twin turbos makes for a fast car
- Paper's future - is looking crappy
- Tree golf - I want to try this Long Video
- Commando movie - the musical edition
- Forklift accident - what is getting demolished
- Harlem Shake - frontload washer edition
- Jurassic prank - I'd love to have one of these
- Fat animals - why they don't exist in the wild
- Skydiving accidents - a few ways things can go wrong
- Prank gift - she shouldn't have opened
- Slippery driving - won't hurt long
- Dumb cop - tried to take advantage of her
- Angler fish - dangles its own bait
- Who's car - is better now?
- Locomotive dropped - during delivery
- Land snail - true facts you need to know
Videos of the Week - 2012
- Low jet - skimming traffic
- Moscow plane - crashing into the highway
- Ice pool - cannonball jump
- Bar apples - they are like magic
- Turning left - like a boss
- Dolphin attack - at SeaWorld Orlando
- Truck stops - for no flood
- Wheelchair scuba - some people just can't be stopped
- US Marine - stops a robbery
- Runaway car - barely chased down in time
- Passing fail - Make sure someone else isn't passing before you try it
- Baby moose - playing in the sprinkler Long Video
- TV Repair - Candid Camera style
- Johnny Carson - and Dom Deluise
- Truck vs bridge - nobody wins, especially not the pedestrians
- Game show - best answers ever given
- Flag flying - underwater in Key Largo
- Car crashes - quite a few different clips
- Attacking boat - almost eats the guy who fell out
- Street racer - owning three cops
- Squirrel challenges - an obstacle course
- Musical wooings - through the ages
- Scottish arguement - on a TV show
- Monster bicycle - not practicle, yet extremely cool
- Great white - harasses two divers
- Landing fish - just got a little hardere
- Pandas playing - playing on a playground slide
- Reneck fails - a compilation
- Police chase - the cop helps him escape
- Tightrope fail - brings the house down
- Orville helicopter - made from a man's stuffed pet cat
- Sea slug - is a weird creature that moves in weird ways
- Parenting fail - and they don't handle the situation well either
- Nut shot - a great compilation
- MMA ninja - I guess he didn't see that coming
- Military failures - three classics
- Marching band - pays tribute to the military
- Video games - controlled by urine
- Animal funnies - 15 short clips
- Military launches - not going so smoothly
- Fails compilation - a bunch of people doing things wrong
- Car wash - the super fast method
- Cami Secret - a parody of the infomercial
- Blue fish - as I swim through their school in Belize
- Submarine boat - how to kill the resale value of your boat
- Moray eel - swimming away in Belize
- Dolphin dive - in Roatan, Honduras
- Cube Stormer - robotic solution to a Rubik's Cube
- Parallel parking - now that's a tight squeeze
- Turkey call - how not to do it on national television
- Boat collision - whyd id they have to fight over the same piece of water?
- iPhone fight - spouses using Siri to relay their fight
Videos of the Week - 2011
- Ant crusher - among other things
- Halloween lights - rockin the neighborhood
- Drunk drivers - too bad the cops can't catch them when people call
- Rolling downhill - not the best move ever
- Thieving octopus - why doesn't stuff like this ever happen to me?! This would rock!
- Tire change - with style Long Video
- Wheelbarrow races - done right
- Music video - in the style of an 80s video game
- Mother Nature - likes to remind us who's in charge
- Motocross Mom - taking out her mom
- Family Feud - things you pass around
- Surfing bulldog - a dog's just gotta have fun
- Roof jumping - you are supposed to catch the tree
- Interstate skiing - a new Olympic sport?
- Race fires - very exciting for the driver and to watch
- Lightning strikes - the same man twice
- Sidecar racing - who decides they want to be the guy hanging on?
- Rally cars - they quite often stray from the path
- Cow luggage - there's a cow in the trunk
- Hand Brake - just leave it on
- Kite boarding - how not to do it
- African animals - getting drunk from ripe Marula fruit
- Treadmill biking - not for stunts
- Redneck paintball - duck hunting
- Parachute landing - a bit off target
- Nurse shark - chasing out of the wreck
- Drawing Rome - with just one short fly over to memorize it
- Lioness hunting - but can't get through the glass
- Jewfish and bait - a close knit community
- Lip balm - trick on young women
- Sea turtle - on the USCGC Duane
- Navy ship - turns on a dime
- Baby rhino - defending his mom
- Dolphins hunting - by smacking their tails
- Feeding jewfish - just make sure you let go of the bait
- Skateboardin day - interrupted by an over-zealous cop
- Human jumbotron - what a show
- Skiing backflip - or not
- Biggest fails - of 2010
- Mrs. Hughes - can make you laugh for 8 minutes
- Japan's tsunami - oh the power of water
- Wooden spoons - how about we beat each other about the head with them
- Semi chase - amazing how long a semi can drag half the trailer around
- Honey badger - is one badass little critter
- Scuba cat - someone likes their pets a bit too much
- Budweiser 9-11 - commercial they ran during the Superbowl
- Face plant - cleavage style
- Fountain diving - hope she doesn't drive while she texts
- Breakfast doggystyle - had to be a lot of fun to film
- Blackberry returned - because it just doesn't work
- Gun cleaning - when your wife just won't listen
- Cat crash - wall 1, cat 0
Videos of the Week - 2010
- Squirrel feeder - might as well make them work for it
- Christmas wrapping - when you are giving a cat
- Forklift accident - like a house of cards
- Rap album - thoroughly enjoyed by a gay man
- Trick play - teaching kids to win at all costs
- Job search - why it is hard to get a job these days
- Getting grounded - with style
- Unbelievable disguise - on an airplane
- Soccer goalies - fast hands, slow mind
- Baby Rhino - defender of his mom
- Tubing - on shore edition
- Rubbing - is racing
- Shopping Carts - for holding passed out dates
- Health Care - I knew somebody had to support it
- Kittens - most people find them cute
- Watermelons - made for launching
- Fried chicken - worth singing about
- Marriage - the proper Christian way
- Vandenberg - a quick trip through one of the upper compartments
- Big snake - check out this monster
- Projects - they are raping everyone up in here
- Standoff - me, a jewfish and a lot of mouth
- Frog Rape - by a chimp
- Drop Anchor - wait, not yet
- Hopper Barge - a quick trip through the wreck then a visit with the Jewfish
- Pit Stop - you actually have to stop for them to change your tires
- Boogie Board - how not to do it
- Fin Barge - View under the bow
- BP - reacts to a coffee spill
- Carrier landing - from the pilot's view
- Turtle power - a sea turtle dives under as we boat past him
- High dive - in a kayak
- Wedding DJ - Worst Ever
- Paragliding launch - the Instant Launch Edition
- Shooting range - with a hispanic flare
- Ambulances - more harm than good
- Branded - how the horse fights back
- Cart racing - the most popular spot on the track
- Cat fight - you can only put up with so much crap
- Dog attack - it's pretty bad when you can't even stand yourself
- Dorritos bark collar - revenge is oh so sweet (or salty in this case)
- Front fell off - are you sure, maybe the front fell off
- Getting off the boat - but not onto the dock
- Gun control - are we sure it is a good thing
- India's traffic - I think I'll keep my commute thank you
- Monkey pee - now that's irresistible
- Auto club - Pakistan style
- Police chase - you can spin this guy, but can you stop him
Videos of the Week - 2009
- Dear Penis - musical parody that had me in stitches
- Brotherly Love - this is why all boys should have a brother
- World of Warcraft - and how messed up kids who get addicted become
- When pigs fly - and for good reason
- Crazy pilots - who skim the earth
- Don't pee - in the woods or you might attract attention
- Goldfish Funeral - the neighbor should have stayed out of it
- Biker chick - should stay away from the offroad toys
- Rifle practice - for the terrorists
- Dog & Deer - playing in the back yard
- Clown Dancing - headbanging while wearing a mask
- BMX Jump - landing not so good
- Ping Pong - with nunchucks by Bruce Lee
- Copy machines - don't make good ladders
- Cellphone karma - it's real
- New Toy - This coin pusher game is our latest game room addition
- Novacaine - it's for the patients
- Dreaming Dog - he was really getting into it
- Dogs having fun - several clips of dogs having fun
- Pranks - some of the best fun around
- Fat kids - don't mess with their food
- Female drivers - aren't always the best drivers
- Rough job - testing Ferraris until destruction
- Pit stop - a bit toastier than normal
- Ball girl - can catch better than the pros
- Golf buddy - shouldn't be so annoying
- Christmas - don't bitch so much when you marry an Italian
- Cake arrival - left this mom in tatters
- Gun safety - at its finest
- Office Hurdles - The next Olympic sport
- Subway Piano Stairs - a little fun can get people to take the stairs
- Pommel Horse - wins this round
- Frog - gone wild
- Quit Drinking - definitely time to work on that New Year's resolution
- SR71 model plane - very cool jet powered model plane
- Read the label - to save yourself some embarrassment
- Ripsaw - one cool tank prototype
- Colonoscopy - information by a Scottish comedian
- Kathy playing pinball - or at least attempting to do so
- Shadow puppets - commercial for a wildlife refuge
- Jay Leno - quizzes a smart girl
- Snug WOW - Sham WOW meets Snuggie
- Border crossings - how the guards fight boredom
- Sucker - guys are so predictable
- Tabasco - reigning fire down on us
- Train tracks - can be useful
- Poster child - for birth control (and spankings)
- Skateboarder - vs fire hydrant
- Airplane - that loses a wing during a stunt
Scuba Diving Videos
- Reef Tour - Out by the fin barge
- Lionfish - so big it didn't fit in my bucket
- Shovelnose lobster - doesn't want to go home with Wayne
- Spear struggles - me fighting a jewfish and multiple sharks for the grouper I shot
- Shark dive - No cages - getting passed by one shark and then going head to head with another
- Feeding frenzy - Once the chum bucket is opened, the feeding frenzy ensues
- Sharks patrolling - around the chum bucket on our shark dive
- Wheelchair Scuba - where there's a will, there's a way
- Nurse shark - being chased by me
- Jewfish bullies - the bait fish won't get anywhere near them
- Flag flying - underwater in Key Largo
- Sea slug - is a weird creature that moves in weird ways
- Blue fish - as I swim through their school in Belize
- Moray eel - swimming away in Belize
- Dolphin dive - in Roatan, Honduras
- Sea turtle - on the USCGC Duane
- Vandenberg - a quick trip through one of the upper compartments
- Standoff - me, a jewfish and a lot of mouth
- Hopper Barge - a quick trip through the wreck then a visit with the Jewfish
- Fin Barge - View under the bow
- Turtle power - a sea turtle dives under as we boat past him
- Jewfish - aren't happy with our presence
- Bait pockets - surround us as we swim along the wreck
- Bayronto bait - clear visibility and lots of sea life
- Nurse shark - as I chase it around the Bayronto
- Flounder - sure are hard to see
- Snail - they don't move fast, but they do get there
- Trigger fish - I couldn't keep up
- Crabs - They have fear
- Grouper - Don't like to be followed
- Hogfish - Generally don't swim fast, but can
- Jewfish - big chickens
- Discovery Cove - Manta Ray reef area
- Pipeline - protective rocks make good fish homes
- Reef fish - usually have bright colors
- Starfish - slow and steady wins the race
- Landing craft - wreck tour
Tank - Our English Mastiff
- Tank at 8 weeks - short clip right after we brought him home
- Uncoordinated - apparently he was to the end
- Dog park - getting owned by a pug
My 25th Birthday Party Pedestal Jousting
- Dan and Jason - didn't need that helmet anyway
- Mike and Jason - he was picking on little ole me
Fear Factor Live Videos
- Nash Completing the Eating Challenge at Fear Factor Live
- Carey Completing the Creepy Crawly Challenge at Fear Factor Live
- Introducing the Physical Competitors at Fear Factor Live
- The Physical Competitors Hang in Round 1 at Fear Factor Live
- The Finals for the Physical Competitors at Fear Factor Live
Other Miscellaneous Videos
- Horseback Swimming by the Skyway Bridge
- Carey showing off her flyboarding skills
- Jason enjoying some Fly Boarding time
- Tubing Hawaii - in the frigid irrigation channels
- Kalalau Trail - the roughest patch on our hike
- Braggin Rites' - Winning catch
- Campus Golf - with the Sportapalooza gang
- Wild Cherri - her last bout as a Bradentucky Bomber
- Rock Climbing
- Dr. Chris Brugger's Therapy Laser
- Pride Park Packers
*Most of this content was collected from the depths of the internet and is not my intellectual property.